
The Sacrament of baptism is the first step in joining our Catholic family of faith. We are so excited that you are discerning this path for your child. Know of our prayers and support for you and your family.

The church teaches that parents have a primary role to bring up their children in the faith. Since family involvement is important, there are a few steps in the process of preparing for baptism.

The Rite of Baptism for children puts emphasis on the role of parent’s in baptism, and on the preparation that should be a part of the celebration of the Sacrament. In order to assist parents in better fulfilling their responsibilities as the primary religious educators of a child, parents are required to attend a Pre-Baptism class prior to the baptism of their first child. The class provides information about the sacrament of Baptism and the requirements/responsibilities of the godparents.   Please call the parish office at 216-252-2332 to register for a class at OLA.  Classes for 2025 are held in the Stigmata Chapel and on the following dates:

  • Sunday, March 2 at 10:00 AM
  • Sunday, June 8th at 10:00 AM
  • Sunday, September 14th at 10:00 AM
  • Sunday, December 14th at 10:00 AM

Steps to prepare for Baptism:

  • Parents seeking Baptism for their child must be registered members at the parish
  • Parents must attend a Pre-Baptism preparation class
  • Contact the rectory office to set up a Baptism date

Baptisms are performed by prearrangement and occur immediately following the 11:00 AM Mass (approximately 11:45 AM) every  Sunday.  To sign up for a Baptismal date, please contact the parish office at 216-252-2332 or click here to make your request by email.

Sponsor Certificate: If you are need of a sponsor certificate, please contact the parish office of the parish where you are a registered member.